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Onboarding: Google Ad Manager

In order to properly monitor the overall site performance we require read-only access to your GAM account. This will allow Spiny to pull read-only data reports, and better optimize ads on the page via BidRoll if implemented. This also enables to reconcile any data discrepancies between our tracker library and the GAM data. Spiny will not create or update any type of entity in your GAM Account.

Enable Google Ad Manager API Access

  1. In your Google Ad Manager account, navigate to the Admin tab in the left sidebar
  2. Click on Network Settings
  3. Ensure you are in the Network Settings tab
  4. Toggle the API access to on
  5. Click on the Add A Service Account User button

API Access Guidance

Add a New Service Account User

  1. After clicking on the Add a service account user a popup window will appear a. Name: Spiny GAM API b. Email: e.g. (will be provided by the Spiny team. c. Role: Trafficker d. Click save

Add Service Account User Guidance